Sunday, January 17, 2010

Senator Brownback Does Not Know About the Medical Needs of Women in the Military

On Wednesday, we told you that Todd Tiahrt Does Not Care About the Medical Needs of Women in the Military. We've now heard back from Senator Brownback and his position is . . . well . . . unknown. Read this non-responsive response and let us know if you can decipher what he means.

Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding the Compassionate Care for Servicewomen Act. You may be assured of my interest in this matter, and I appreciate your taking the time to express your views to me. Please be assured that I will give this issue my most careful consideration, keeping your particular comments in mind.

I am honored and privileged to serve you in the United States Senate. Kansans elected me to Congress on a platform of Reduce, Reform, and Return in order to restore the American dream for Kansans and all Americans; and I continue to base my service upon these principles. From taxes to welfare reform to education to matters of fiscal responsibility to defense and all that comes in between, I cast my vote with these principles in mind.

The undergirding principle behind all of this is my deep and abiding respect for the dignity of every human being. When the Congress passes a law or Washington bureaucrats write a regulation, the lives of many people can be affected. Too often, policy in Washington is short-sighted or fails to take into account the long-term or broader effects and implications of laws and regulations on individuals' lives. While the Federal government does play an essential role -- especially in the areas of defense, commerce, and transportation -- I do believe that many other important decisions are better made at the local level where individuals have faces, and are more than just numbers or statistics.

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on this issue. As I continue my service in Washington on behalf of all Kansans, please continue to keep me informed on issues that are affecting you. I encourage you to visit my website at to learn more about issues on which I am working. You are the reason that I am here, and I look forward to hearing from you in the future.


Sam Brownback
United States Senator


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