Friday, October 14, 2011

Little Scottie Has Been A Bad Boy

While checking for an update on the appeal of inmate number 0065192 (details here) we decided to see if Scottie was being a good boy in prison. The answer should not come as a surprise, he's not.

We could provide you a list of his transgressions and our comments but we think this speaks for itself (but do pay attention to the May 29, 2011 entry).


Scott Roeder Appeal Update

We've not posted in quite awhile because, well nothing is going on with the case.

According to the Clerk of the Kansas Appellate Courts, on September 8, 2011 Scott filed his brief with the Kansas Supreme Court. The State's brief is currently due on October 28th but we would expect a continuance or two to be granted. In short, it's going to be next year at the soonest before the Kansas Supreme Court hears oral arguments in the case.

One interesting side note. Terrorist supporter Regina Dinwiddie (we've mentioned her before here and here) asked the Kansas Supreme Court to allow her to file an Amicus Curie brief. The Court denied the motion.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rep. Pompeo Does Not Care About Women

Can't say we're surprised by the recent E-mail we received from Rep. Mike Pompeo. Did anyone think he was more caring or smarter than Todd Tiahrt? Nope, same ilk.


Thank you for contacting me regarding the issue of abortion. I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I value the input of every citizen in making sound decisions for Kansas and America.

I recognize that abortion is an issue where opinions can differ sharply. I believe that life is sacred and should be protected at all stages, from conception to natural death. In addition, I firmly hold that taxpayer money should not be used to fund abortions directly or subsidize healthcare policies that provide abortions. I cannot, in good conscience, support any legislation that provides taxpayer support for abortions, because I and so many constituents oppose the practice out of moral conviction.

Again, thank you for your thoughts regarding this important issue. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call on me or Keith Dater of my Washington, D.C. office. It is an honor to serve the people of Kansas in the United States Congress.


Mike Pompeo
Member of Congress
